People do not organize estate sales that frequently, so in order to plan it the right way when the time comes, one should consider particular tips and tricks we have prepared for you in the lines below. Even though it has some similarities with a garage sale, planning of estate sale encompasses a wider range of household items one desires to get rid of. In most cases, estate sales take place at the property that should be emptied due to various reasons, such as moving, renovation, inherited goods sale, etc. Thus, if you want to do it on your own and do it right, make sure you check out what we have for you in the following rows.
1. Sorting Out

In order to make it easier both for yourself and potential buyers, the first thing you should worry about is sorting the things you intend on selling into particular groups. Now, the catch is to facilitate the sorting as much as possible, so we advise you use either plastic or cardboard boxes to group the items according to any criteria you find appropriate.
Consequently, potential buyers will have an idea where to look for items they might be interested in and you will have no trouble appointing them to where they want to go. Enumerating the boxes and keeping a record of the goods stored in each one is another thing we advise you to do since it allows you to keep track of the left-over inventory and gives you insight into how the sale is going.
2. Promote

You cannot have a successful estate sale without a good advertisement, especially because the customers you should interest the most are the ones orbiting in the local community. Thus, make sure you use any promotional methods you can think of. When the neighborhood is in question, pasting posters about specific information about the sale, such as date, place and time should do the trick, but you should not stop there.
What you should do next is assess whether paying for an ad at a local radio station would be worth the money and get in touch with them a few weeks before the actual event., or you should choose alternative means of promotion. Also, do not forget about the internet and numerous ways to offer the goods you want to sell to a broader audience.
3. Know Your Goods

Even though estate sales might not be a venture that everyone is happy to organize, you should not neglect the fact that it brings you a decent profit. To be able to make predictions and expect potential gains, first, you must know how much does each item cost. Surely, when jewelry and antique items are in question, we advise you to talk to the pros and pay for the piece of their professional opinion if you estimate it will help you earn more money. A vast majority of the country moves from Los Angeles to New York can be financed by what movers earn from estate sales, so click here to find cross country movers Los Angeles that can assist you with your relocation.
On the other hand, when common goods and appliances are concerned, you could consult the internet for additional info and base the price tags in accordance with the data you find online. Now, you might adjust the sale price to fit the needs of the market or prepare yourself for a bargain, depending on which strategy you feel more comfortable with.
4. Gather Your People

Even though the title of this article suggests you should learn how to plan an estate state by yourself, it does not imply you should do everything on your own. Quite the opposite, you should gather as many people you trust as possible, since the more hosts your estate sale has, the chances the potential customers will be served promptly are higher.
Surely, if you lack in finding a sufficient number of friends and family members eager to help, you can always hire someone with enough expertise to help you with the chores. On the other hand, speaking to kids around the block and offering them to choose and pick from the goods you sell in exchange for their assistance with the sale might do the trick and save you a few bucks.
5. Take Pictures

Crafting a catalog of some sort might help you avoid answering too many questions curious customers might have. Not solely that, but it can also save you some time you would otherwise waste finding particular goods and presenting them to each and every interested individual.
Another benefit you might score when acquiring digital photographs is in question is that you can launch them on some specialized online markets at any time you find appropriate. Therefore, if someone would contact you with the desire to buy an item previously exposed in your estate sale, all you would need to do is put that item aside until they come for it. This particular approach allows you to offer the goods from the estate sale both online and offline and reach out to broader audiences from the comfort of your home.
6. Mark the Space

Since an estate sale implies there is an estate where the goods should be exposed, you should visibly mark the space where potential buyers are allowed and welcome to search for what might interest them and where they are not. Also, if there are rooms and areas where customers are not allowed to enter, make sure you let them know before it is too late and they accidentally go astray to a restricted area.
An ideal way to let potential customers aware of where they have and have no access to is to present them with flyers picturing a small map of the place they visit. Even though it might seem like a bit too much for an estate sale, you would be amazed how this small investment can affect the fluidity of the whole event. At the end, if not anything else, it would make your estate sale appear fancier and attract more customers.
Do make sure you follow the aforementioned pieces of suggestions as many times as you need until you are sure you have everything you need to plan an estate sale by yourself. Remember that it is your job to plan alone, not to do everything by yourself, thus, make sure you have the right people around you and the results should follow.