The internet is full of content, but few people are actually reading. Numerous studies have shown that people don’t read the articles they share, and if they do happen to scroll down the page, they usually just skim the headlines. Reading seems to be a lost art, but it’s one of the best things you can do to increase your knowledge and empathy.
Even if you are one of the few people who reads online content, when was the last time you picked up a physical book to read? Although it can be easier to download cheap books on Kindle and scroll through websites, nothing beats holding a book in your hands, curling up on the couch, and diving into another world. Even if you don’t like reading fiction, non-fiction books can be just as interesting when you’re passionate about the topic. You’re also less likely to skim the content in a physical book.
If it’s been a while since you’ve read an actual book, here are some good reasons to pick one up and start reading today.
Leaders are readers

Harry S. Truman once said, “Not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers,” and there is much truth to this statement. One of the main qualities all successful leaders share is the ability to empathize with others, and that can’t be developed in the confines of an echo chamber.
If you’re someone who fancies themselves a leader or you want to be a well-respected leader, reading will help you embody that role. People who read on a regular basis are exposed to a variety of viewpoints and situations that are often outside of their own experience.
As the main characters in a story work out their issues and resolve their struggles, it makes the reader more empathetic toward other people and life situations they don’t already understand. Characters with unrelatable life circumstances become relatable when the author makes them human.
Leaders don’t lead by force, and true authority figures earn their place. People look up to others when they know they genuinely care about their lives. This is why so many lesser-known politicians have immense support from people who are extremely loyal. They have demonstrated their commitment to causes that matter, and they will have that loyalty for as long as they provide that support.
The more you read, the more empathetic you’ll become, and that will make you more appealing to the people you’re trying to lead and mentor.
A compelling story can make you feel good

If you’re looking for ways to be uplifted, a book is a great place to start. At the end of the day, if you’re tired and just need something to make you feel good, try reading a classic novel or a memoir written by someone you find interesting. Whatever your preference, find something you can lose yourself in as you read so you can get into a different world and escape reality for a while.
Good stories have the power to move people and inspire them in big ways. In fact, if you’ve got a story to tell, you should consider publishing a book so others can read your story. You don’t have to go through the arduous process of finding an agent and then trying to get a contract. It’s easier to self-publish, and you can still get a nice hardcover book printed for less than a paperback would cost.
Reading makes you a better partner

This might be subjective, but many people agree that readers make better partners and it’s because reading helps people learn to entertain ideas they don’t necessarily agree with, but without rejecting them outright. This particular trait is exceptionally useful for maintaining personal relationships, but it’s becoming rare.
As much as you and your partner might agree on some things, there will always be points you diverge on, and it’s important to be able to listen to their point of view without dismissing them. Listening makes people feel heard and seen, and that’s important in a relationship.
Start reading more books today
Whether you want to be more empathetic or just want to learn something new, start reading some books. Revisit some of the classic literature you read in your high school English class, pick up some of the top tiles on the NY Times Best Sellers list, or visit a bookstore in person and buy whatever catches your attention.
Take time out of your busy day to sit down with a good book, a cup of coffee or your favorite beverage, and dive into another world. You won’t be disappointed.