Have you ever thought about our environment? If you have, chances are that you are one of the few people aware of the responsibility we as humans have, when it comes to our planet, animals and plants – in other words, every living creature that exists in it. Knowing that one of the most Googled questions is the question about our role in the ecosystem, but not only our role in the ecosystem but our role in saving it – should you that although we are one of the most important parts of the chain, we are at the same time one of the factors that are destroying the chain the most.
What do we mean by destroying?

Our habits and our existence on the planet is constantly and continually leaving a mark on the planet. We can call it a carbon footprint (how environmental call it) but it’s much more than just a carbon footprint – it’s a mark that is not erasable, especially when it comes to pollution and innumerable products that we use on a daily basis, and that are completely opposite to the rules of Nature that are present for more than thousands of years.
Considering the fact that we take so much from our planet, the logical outcome would be to try to save it as much as we can, in order to make you last longer. However, the reality is quite different. In reality, people are usually acting like our planet has resources that are unlimited, never-ending and that will last forever – no matter what we do, no matter how much we care about the environment.
Unfortunately, the recent surveys show that our planet is heating up at a rapid pace, that many of animal and plant species are dying out, and that there has to be something above us all – and that is our consciousness about the importance of our environment, as the only thing that could potentially make a difference.
What exactly is our role when it comes to saving our environment?

This is the question that often confuses people, although it seems like it’s simple and understandable. Knowing exactly what you can do to save the planet or to just make it into a better place for your children is something that many people underestimate. Being informed and having enough knowledge about the topic is essential for including small changes in your lifestyle that can make a significant impact when multiplied billions of times.
That being said, every small habit you include in your daily routines actually has an enormous impact on the planet. How is that possible? Imagine all the people in the world, and imagine the total number of people on the planet. Now imagine this number growing every single day. And now take just one habit, one small habit such as replacing your plastic bags with eco-friendly bags, and multiply that habit with a total number of people on the Earth. Now you can see how impactful your small acts of consciousness can become, when you look at them from another perspective.
One of the most important things that need to be addressed and discussed is the difference between the power of the individual and the power of the world’s biggest organisations that are concerned about the environment, and that are fighting for better water, air, and earth quality. You’ve probably witnessed a situation where a friend of yours, or a member of your family said something like “I can change how the world functions at the moment, there has to be a regulation, law or a statute and there also has to be something or someone – an organisation or regulatory body that will take care of our environment and punish people who are not obeying the law.”
Although this is a true statement, what’s false in the situation is the mindset that leaves everything up to someone else. Laws and regulations are one of the most important things, but not the only one. Another important thing is the public discussion about a problematic topic or at least media presence of a certain topic, especially so important.
However, things can never be regulated completely and it’s all up to us individuals and as humans to keep in mind that we only have one home and then we have to do everything to protect it at all costs.
What does this mean in reality?

Does it mean that drastic changes need to be made? Well, probably yes, because our environment needs all the help it can get. Still, it’s important to mention that drastic changes are not something that an individual should do. On the contrary, an individual should manage their everyday actions and should be conscious about their choices in order to change the bigger picture. But what are the practical ways to do this?
According to alternativi.fr, there are hundreds of ways you can contribute to our environment, but one of the simplest ways is to recycle. Recycling means using your plastic waste to create something else or just putting it back into the system instead of just throwing it away. If you’re creative, then thinking about our environment will be the perfect place to start.
Make a special bottle or a special mug and don’t change it

Find a bag, make a print on it and then carry it everywhere, instead of buying plastic bags. If you are drinking water from plastic water bottles, try some alternatives such as aluminum or stainless steel bottles.
Finally, buy food from local grocery stores and farmers markets, and support the packaging that is eco-friendly.
If all of this is too much, then you can maybe try to use your food waste to create soil that is rich in nutrients, and also great for your plants and flowers.
If that is also something you would rather skip, there is still a huge list of small things you can do to protect the world we live in. Does switching off the lights when you are not in the room sound like something you could do? It most certainly does. Does it sound like something that could change the world? Probably not. But in reality, small acts like this can change the world. If you start looking at them the right way.