Getting a suitable home loan is not an easy task. You might get confused while exploring the loan types and selecting the suitable one. You need to be eligible to apply for a mortgage if you want the desired property to stay in. It is essential to research thoroughly and get enough information about house mortgages.
After getting all the details, selecting the right one is challenging because you may confuse between different options. In the following write-up, we will discuss a variety of home loans that you can apply for. But make sure you go through all the details to avoid any mistakes.
Once you apply for any loan, changing or switching to another option is hard. Therefore, you need to be careful while dealing with such a thing. If you cannot understand the perfect choice, you can easily get help from an expert.
Home Mortgage Types
1. Land Purchase
One can get a land acquisition mortgage if one wants to purchase land to build a house. You can get land and keep it on hold until you construct your house. You can lend up to 85% of the total amount and easily pay the down payment. Anyone planning a long-term investment must apply for the mortgage and purchase any land of their choice.
2. Home Purchase
It is a perfect choice for anyone interested in buying a pre-owned house. Once the loan you applied for gets clearance, you can shift immediately. It is possible to get such a loan from many financial institutes.
When it comes to interest rates, you can expect them to be either variable or fixed. It can lie between 9% to 12%. It is easy to lend up to 85% of the total sum, and you can shift to your new house by paying a small down payment.
3. House Construction
If you want to construct your house and are not interested in buying an already renovated house, you can get a mortgage for home construction. But when you apply for it, the approval form looks a bit unique. Two things need to be mentioned in the form, i.e., the plot cost and amount for the loan. It is necessary to check whether your property must be acquired in a year. It must be done before including the cost of the plot in the amount required to get a mortgage. It is possible to get small funds and a bulk amount.
4. Home Extension

You can lend additional funds if you want to make changes or extend the house construction. Many banks offer such a small amount to do alterations in your well-built house. But there is a difference between renovation and extension. You are lending a small amount for altering a particular thing or part in this option.
5. House Conversion
It is for people who have already lent money for a house but want to relocate to another location. While relocating to a new house, you may require additional funds, which one can get through this loan.
It is an amazing way of transferring the previous mortgage amount to the new one, and you need to repay it with a different interest rate. One has to spend more if you prefer this option.
6. Home Improvement
Anyone who wants to remodel or renovate your old house can take a loan from a bank and get things done. The improvement work involves painting, house repairing, etc. It is preferred when you do not have enough funds to improve the appearance of your house.
7. Balance Transfer
With this option, you can transfer the mortgage from one bank to another for several reasons like low-interest rates, inadequate services, etc. Another bank will revise the left payment, and you must clear all the debts per the new policies. You can prefer this option after properly comparing services from different financial institutes.
8. Bridge

It is a conventional type of house loan perfect for current homeowners who need to acquire a new home. The borrower will get funds for a new property and a buyer who will buy the old house. It is pretty available for one or two years. Many banks support such mortgages.
9. Fixed and Variable Rate of Interest
You can easily get a house loan with a fixed and variable rate of interest. If you prefer the fixed option, you must pay the monthly installment with the same interest. You cannot transfer or refinance the property. But in the case of variable loans, the rate of interest can easily change yearly per the finance market.
10. Government-backed
It is perfect for people who belong to a rural area. They can get fantastic home loan deals from the government, and the authorities also manage their funds. There is no involvement of private insurance companies.
11. FHA and VA
The FHA loan is for people with low-income sources. You can easily choose this option even if one is having a bad credit score. The rate of interest is also low, and one can easily afford to pay installments. The VA home mortgage comes with competitive interest rates. It has better lax requirements as compared to other conventional loan types.
Tips to Choose the Right Type of Home Loan

- You can get detailed information on different types of home mortgages if you find here. You must follow all the tips to get a suitable loan.
- Initially, you should check your credit score. If it is good, then only you are quite eligible to apply for any mortgage.
- You must go through different house loan types and decide which suits you.
- Many banks offer different house mortgages, and one must check the rates of interest with other facilities.
- You must know the down payment amount and get ready for it.
- You should always calculate monthly EMI by using the bank’s automated calculator.
- It is necessary to get connected with a lender.
- Maintaining the credit score to process the loan period without risks is crucial.
Before you apply for any loan, you must know about several types. Go through the details of the options and decide the suitable one. Follow all the mentioned tips for a smooth process.