In most households nowadays, there are at least two mirrors – one that is positioned in the bedroom or in the hallway, and one in the bathroom, and we see our reflection in them at least several times per day. Many people have noticed that when they see their reflection in the bathroom, it seems a bit different than in any of the other rooms, and there have been many speculations on why this might be and if the reflective surfaces are actually different.
In this article, we are going to try and answer that question, and we will tell you if there is any difference between bathroom and regular mirrors.

The first main difference that we notice between these two types is the size. More often than not, the units that we put in every other room are much larger, and they vary not only in size but in type and shape as well. In the bathroom, we most commonly use reflective surfaces that are either rectangular or square, and we only use magnifying mirrors that are round in shape. These units can sometimes come with light, and they can usually be transported from one place to another.
Know that when we use the units in the washroom, we tend to stand much closer to them so that we can wash our face, apply makeup or even put on and remove contacts. Even though we don’t necessarily need a magnifying unit, we still tend to be much closer to these mirrors than the ones that are placed in every other room.

Now let’s talk about the biggest difference between these two units – their structure. As you already know, the mirrors are made of glass, and the way that they become reflective is by adding a thin layer of silver on top of them. After the silver is mixed with other materials including water, it is poured on top of the flat glass and becomes a reflective surface.
When it comes to the mirrors that are placed in the bathroom, they are not made of regular glass but instead tempered ones. The reason for this is, as you already know, the tempered products are going to shatter when they are broken, and this will limit any type of serious injuries in case the mirror is broken.
There are many experiments that show that when a normal unit is broken, it usually breaks into several larger pieces, and just a few small ones. On the other hand, when the ones that are placed in the bathroom are broken, they will instantly shatter, and there won’t be any large chunks that are going to create a hazardous environment.
Since we are more likely to break a mirror that is placed in the bathroom, we need additional protection from serious injuries, and this is why these mirrors are made of tempered glass, and not just a regular one.
Know that even though this is standard practice, it may not be used in every type of cabinet or a bathroom reflective unit, so you need to be aware of what you are purchasing before you make your final decision.
You can check out if you want to learn more things about these units, along with the shapes, sizes, and styles that they come in.
Is it okay if you use one instead of the other?

Many people have the question if they would be okay if they put a normal type mirror in their bathroom, and vice versa, if they could choose the tampered glass one for their other rooms.
Well, the answer to this depends solely on you, and you are the one who will need to take the risks if they choose to install a regular reflective unit in your washroom. It is not recommended, and chances are, you are going to have difficulties finding the regular models for the washroom cabinets, but it may be an option, especially if you DIY the cabinets, or if you have them specially made for you.
Nevertheless, experts suggest that you should steer away from this practice, since you may put yourself and your loved ones in a risky environment. Researches show that more often than not, our washroom mirrors are the ones that get broken far more often than the ones placed in the other rooms, so you are more likely to shatter this surface than any other thing in your home. If you really wish to do it, there are ways, however, it is better to additionally consult with an expert and let them tell you if you should proceed with this.
When it comes to the other way around, it may be an option, but you need to check with the seller if they offer items like this. Tampered glass is more often used for smaller units, and when it comes to making it on a larger scale, it may cost more than the regular models. There is no reason why you may not want to install it in your home, and there should not be any issues as long as you find a manufacturer or seller, and as long as you are okay with the price.

If you are considering this option, you should first do your research, and see which places offer tampered glass reflective surfaces in your area.
As you can see, there is more than one difference when we compare the units that are placed in the washroom, and the ones that are used in any other room of the house. The main difference is the way that they are manufactured, and when it comes to reflection, and their original use, you should not be able to notice any major difference in the way that you look in any of the mirrors in your home. However, there can be other differences when it comes to how they are made and how quality the units are.
So, if you choose to purchase any new units for your home, make sure you know the differences between low and high-quality mirrors and that you choose a reliable seller that will offer you the best for your budget.