Fans of WoW (World of Warcraft) lately are visibly upset by the changes that occur with their favorite game. First, they waited a long time for the latest Sepulcher of the First raid. Since its release, the general conclusion is that Blizzard makes the new raids ridiculously complicated. According to game fans, this is a great way to lose loyal users.
For many players, this is a real nightmare. Complicating things does not work well for those who are experienced. In fact, almost every gamer now has the task of studying the new stages, learning theory, writing notes, and feeling like they’re back in school. And none of that is fun or useful. People want things that are straight to the point and show their exceptional skills in action.
But why would a creator choose to complicate the raids?

We can only have assumptions about all this. One assumption is that they want to keep only those players who are ready for challenges and loyal to the game. The other goal may be to motivate the players to delve deeper into the point and to discover all the advantages they would have over those who will start the raid immediately.
Maybe the goal is to get the fans to believe that this is a transitional phase and that the next stage would be simpler and more challenging. Maybe that’s one of the reasons why gamers are increasingly using services like WoW Boost.
Of course, this also happens to motivate team players to communicate with each other and share what they have learned. That way they form winning teams. But is it all worth it in the long run? Blizzard obviously thinks it will bring them some benefit, especially if the players wait a long time for a new raid again.
The main reason why WoW remains the ultimate role model for all the similar games is that it offers plenty of challenging fights with Bosses (or high-level opponents in general), and people love that kind of excitement for sure.

It gives much complexity to the storyline but offers different levels of difficulty and variety too. No other game can offer this type of entertainment to all their loyal players though. So, maybe one of the reasons for increased complexity is to keep up with the reputation, even though sometimes it can bring critics and bad thoughts.
If the raids were easy and basic, no one will want to spend time on them. They will simply pass it in a few hours or so, without putting any effort, or buying goods. So, what’s the point then?
It seems like Blizzard knows exactly what they are doing in this case.
Also, the number of gamers who have completed all the raids and other WoW content is quite small and incomparable to those still playing. That is why there are pro players, but also basic entry-level who do not have much time and resources to invest in the game. With them, things go gradually and they get used to the complexity step by step.
What can you do?

Complexity should not scare you. In fact, it’s a challenge that can make you make a lot of changes to the way you play the game. So you can:
– To watch old streams from previous raids, to remind yourself what happened. Wait for someone to stream the new rides so you can compare what used to happen and how things have changed now.
– Read the theoretical tips and tricks, so you can more easily understand what is required of you. This way you will detect the necessary skills you have and you will be able to know in advance whether you will like the new faction or you would not want to waste time with it.
– Practicing every day is crucial. You can practice on the demos or on the old raids to remember what happened. However, we have been waiting a long time for the new rides and you may have forgotten what you did before.
Many players spend a lot of time in groups and teams so that they can reach their maximum. Sometimes they can go solo, but sometimes they can choose to do these things in a team until the very end.
The key skill, in this case, should be your patience, teamwork, but also motivation. Of course, it is a big challenge to play a game with different characters, but you can easily adapt to the situation. You must also distinguish your goals. If the group wants to just have fun, do not expect them to strive to thrive. But if you just want to have fun, and you are in a team that wants to step forward, then find a team that meets your expectations.
Be kind to other players, because at some point they will help you achieve a better result

Of course, this means that you need to choose a leader who is talented, capable, and has enough skills to lead the team. This gives a big advantage because from the very beginning it is known who is capable of leading the game. You can schedule the raid right away, but you can get organized and spend it in a few consecutive days. In general, check the capabilities of the rest of the team, because it depends on your overall success.
No matter how complex raids are becoming nowadays, it does not matter to real gamers. They are always ready to take their equipment, sit in front of the computer and invest time and skills in the new raids.
For all this to be successful, the hierarchy must be respected, but also everyone must behave decently and fairly. If there is one thing we have to accept, it is the reconciliation that even games like WoW are changing. In addition to the existing players, the young population should be attracted and the great influence that the young generations have should not be ignored. That is why complexity is something we expect over time.