The permitting process in construction and development can seem cumbersome, time-consuming, and expensive. However, the process is an essential part of project success. Permitting delays can dramatically increase costs and often result in less value for the end user. So how important is permit expediting?
As the construction industry grows and expands, permitting becomes an important part to precede even the most basic activities. Construction projects typically require permits from a variety of departments to commence and succeed – including zoning, environmental, transportation, building, safety, fire marshal, and health departments. In some cases, permits may also be required from other agencies not overseen by a construction department.
Construction projects are notorious for their lengthy permitting processes. This is largely due to the fact that many jurisdictions require a variety of regulatory approvals before any construction can commence. These approvals frequently include environmental assessments, public hearings, technical reviews, and more. Procurement processes also tend to be lengthy, as decisions need to be made about who will provide what services and infrastructure. As a result, a permit can often take months or even years to be approved. So, if you are planning on starting a project soon in the city of Orlando permits are no longer difficult to get if you know the right guys for the job. Don’t doubt to seek help on the subject if you are feeling stuck, even if you need consulting on the topic, all you have to do is follow the link above and find the answers to all of your concerns.

Permitting can be complex and money-consuming. The process of getting all the paper ready and starting your thing often includes determining whether or not the proposed construction will comply with all applicable regulations and if so, issuing a permit that authorizes the commencement of work. If there are any changes to the construction plan after the permit is issued (due to weather conditions, for example), then another permit may need to be issued. Permit expediting in construction and development is one of the most important things a business can do to speed up its process. In order to stay competitive, businesses need to be able to get their projects off the ground as quickly as possible. Failing to expedite your permit application could cause you serious delays and even lead to project cancellation.
Providing timely permits is critical to the success of any construction project. Delays in the permitting process can lead to increased costs, reduced functionality, and even project failure. In some cases, permit approvals may not even be possible at all without the help of an expediting contractor. So if you are involved in a construction or development project, ensure that you consider the role of permit expediting services in your planning stages. If you’re planning on bringing your project to fruition, it’s important to contact an experienced permit expediter. They will be able to help you navigate through the permitting process and ensure that your project proceeds without any hitches. Here are some of the most important things that make the permit expediting process:
1. Understanding jurisdiction

It is essential to understand the jurisdictional boundaries of your project in order to determine where you should submit your application. Each jurisdiction has different requirements and can take a different amount of time to process an application. By understanding where your project falls within government jurisdiction, you can minimize potential delays.
2. A sound infrastructure is essential for a thriving economy.
When everything from roads to power lines is in place, businesses can thrive. Faster permits mean quicker construction with less environmental damage and congestion.
3. Submitting timely applications

By submitting your application promptly, you can avoid potential delays caused by backlogs or incomplete applications. By submitting applications on time, you can also ensure that all necessary documents are submitted with your application and that all required signatures are obtained.
4. Improved safety is hugely beneficial to everyone involved in the construction
From workers to homeowners! When corners are cut in safety procedures or equipment isn’t installed properly, accidents happen. These accidents can result in serious injury or even death, which is why it’s essential that everything goes smoothly during construction – including the permitting process!
5. Obtaining permits without delay
If you find that regulatory bodies are dragging their feet on completing your permits, it may be necessary to hire an attorney to help pressure these bodies into reviewing and issuing permits as soon as possible. Many permit delays are not strictly attributable to bureaucratic processes – but rather a public opinion or industry competitor lobbying – in which case a legal team may have a better chance of success.
6. Less environmental waste means less stress on our resources

From landfills to water sources, not properly handling waste can put a strain on our planet – both environmentally and financially. By expediting permits, we can avoid these damaging side effects and keep our communities healthy and prosperous.
7. More resources and faster approvals
A quick turnaround time for permits depends largely on having enough resources in-house dedicated specifically to processing permits quickly and efficiently. This means having knowledgeable staff who have experience in various regulatory areas, sufficient office space, state-of-the-art software for tracking permit submissions and approvals, and a liaison program with other government agencies that would be impacted by the project. Taking preventative measures
The most effective way to avoid any type of delay or conflict with Regulatory Bodies is always to anticipate problems and take preventive measures early on in the development process – such as establishing clear communication channels with key players, conducting impact assessments in advance of site preparation activities, drafting comprehensive plans as early as possible, etc.
Construction and development can be a booming industry, but it requires a lot of permits in order to get started. Without the right permits in hand, construction and development can quickly come to a standstill. Permit expediting is important for both the construction industry and the economy as a whole.
If you’re experiencing any kind of delay in your construction or development project, don’t hesitate to contact permit expediting experts, they can help get your project moving as quickly and safely as possible!