If you have been thinking of starting to learn a programming language and have not yet decided on one, we understand you. Given that there are hundreds of programming languages, it is really not that easy to make that decision. Demand is huge and that is why new programming languages are constantly appearing with some different characteristics that are becoming more and more attractive. Of course, learning any programming language can be exhausting. So you have to be willing to put in a lot of effort and time if you really want to.
However, if you already know some programming languages, we are sure that you understand what we are talking about. No matter how many of them you know, new ones are always welcome. Our advice is to decide on something different and preferably more modern. To help you find something that is most in demand today, we have made a list of several ones that are very popular.
1. Python

We present you one of the most sought-after programming languages that you can learn today and thus position yourself highly in certain jobs. If that’s your goal, Python is definitely a great choice. It is a fairly powerful and flexible one and is used for Web and Software Develompent, robotics, artificial intelligence, etc. Also, the companies that use it say a lot about it, and these are the leading companies such as Google, Facebook, Mozilla, etc. This object oriented programming language is used to develop programs and applications in a variety of areas.
2. JavaScript

Unlike the previous program, JavaScript is one of the most complex ones and you will need a little more time to master it. Of course, don’t let this discourage you, but see this program as a challenge. That is already a great motivation to start. Keep in mind that this is actually a very diverse program and ideal for those who want to become full stack programmers. So, it is an objectively oriented scripting language that is at a very high level and that is why we have singled it out as one of the most sought after programs. It is a very dominant choice when it comes to web design, but of course there is also HTML and CSS.
That is why JavaScript is extremely desirable among experts around the world. Its main advantages are a high level of interactivity, the ability to work in the local, which means that communication with the server is minimal. Then, a rich interface and flawless instant feedback as there is no need to reload the page.
3. Swift

Although this one is also objectively oriented, it is more often used for the purpose of writing software programs for Apple. Unlike the previous ones, we can say that this one is a relatively new phenomenon, but due to its characteristics, it quickly climbed the ladder of popularity. Today, it is among other popular programs for a reason, and that is because of its ease of use, stability and security. In addition to this, a great contribution to its popularity was contributed by the fact that it is open source.
That is great news, because it is available to everyone. So anyone can use it for free and modify it. When we mention its simplicity, it is important to point out that it is first and foremost very understandable and so with the advent of this program the number of lines of code has decreased.
4. Erlang

This programming language is very applicable and contains great features, which is why it is on our list of suggestions. It is a very functional and dynamically written one and we can say that it has set high standards. It therefore requires serious competitiveness. Its biggest advantage is the exceptional percentage of fault tolerance and distribution.
For example, it is used for the Facebook service for WhatsApp and significant work needs to be done. This refers to a large number of messages that need to be conveyed only on a daily basis and it must go smoothly. However, this program works great and was created to provide services to millions of users. Read this article to familiarize yourself with Erland language even more!
5. Scala

Scala is definitely one that contributes to the whole idea of introducing functional elements of programming when it comes to everyday work. If you are interested in server and mobile applications, we are sure that you will be delighted with this program. So, it is one of a new generation and we can say that it reflects modern trends. It works very successfully through a combination of objective and functional programming. Considering that a large part of the programmers spent a large part of their time dealing with an objectively oriented principle, Scala is a real refreshment.
We say that because a large part of these people continued to work as before, but the other part did not neglect this potential and missed the opportunity to improve themselves. In addition to making progress on a personal level, each of them has achieved much more as a programmer. So, adopt a new paradigm, a new way of thinking and a problem-solving approach.
6. C #

The C # or C sharp is also a modern objectively oriented one that is very widespread. It uses static semantics unlike some other programs that use dynamic semantics. For example, compared to Python, this programming language is not that simple. However, he has something else and that refers to a rather better performance. It belongs to the group of newer one and is intended for creating software for the .NET Framework platform.
If you opt for this program you can enjoy a truly productive and comfortable creation of software products.
So, we have listed a few programming languages that are considered to be the most sought after and contribute to software development on a daily basis. It is a large number of fantastic tools, impeccable support, a large number of libraries, etc. Keep in mind that each of the more modern languages can lead you to a much higher salary, because that is one of the main requirements of today’s market. Either way, we hope you’ve found some cool programs that are just right for you.