World of Warcraft, or WoW as it is more popularly known, is one of the most famous MMORGPs on the planet and is also one of the most played ones. As such, there are a lot of players that play the game and are competitive about reaching the top by leveling up and finding the best gear using the various expansions.
Amongst all the WoW expansions out there, Shadowlands is considered to be the best one because of its easy levelling up and amazing rewards that players can avail once they clear out dungeons and defeat bosses. If you want to obtain the best gear or levels out there with minimal efforts you can consider checking out the best boosting services for WoW at
Higher levels also means obtaining better gear and better mounts which gives you an advantage while playing the game. That’s why many players actively seek for the fastest leveling methods that can help you level up in World of Warcraft Shadowlands. If you too are one of them then don’t worry because we have you covered.
In this article we will be listing the best and quickest leveling methods for World of Warcraft Shadowlands that you need to try right away if you are serious about levelling in the game. We strongly recommend reading the article till the end so that you don’t miss out on any crucial details.
Choose a class that can help you level up faster.

There are various important factors that dictate how quickly you will level up with your current character and most of them depend on the type of class you choose. Classes that have ranged AoE damage that can damage multiple mobs and enemies at the same time, have amazing mobility to move from one side of the area to another in a matter of seconds and can self-heal during emergencies are considered to be the easiest classes to level up.
However, that does not mean you can’t level up quickly with other classes – it’s just much harder and more difficult to do so. The classes that match these descriptions and features the most are Druids, Hunters, Mages and Demon Hunters. All of these classes have their own amazing features and have the ability to pull you through the levels in WoW at lightning speeds.
Utilize Exile’s reach for levelling up to level 10 quickly.
Exile’s Reach is a new starter area for new WoW players that want to get a feel of the game before getting in the actual main game servers. This starter area helps players get familiarized with the various concepts of the game and ensures they are well equipped to utilize the most out of the class they have chosen.
While there are other starter zones out there which you can choose according to your preference, only Exile’s Reach offers the most benefits to levelling as it is one of the easiest areas to get level 1-10 in the shortest time possible. You get a running boost in the area which helps you move faster, there are lots of quests everywhere that you can choose as you like and there are several tutorials and hints everywhere that guide you to level up in a better way.
Clear as many dungeons as possible.

After you are done with the starter zones and familiarize yourself with the server map, your next line of action should be clearing as many dungeons as possible around you. Your primary and most valuable source of XP will be quests and you can get tons of these quests at the start of the dungeons.
We strongly recommend that you complete every quest possible and defeat the mobs, their boss and other enemies in the dungeon as well. Once you are finished with everything, you will notice that you have levelled up in much more XP than what you’d get by completing normal quests. Also, since the quests for these dungeons only appear once you needn’t clear them again and again. Once you defeat the boss and finish the quests, you are done with the dungeon and can move ahead with your adventure.
Activate war mode for additional XP.
Once players reach level 20, they are given an option to activate War mode from either of the capital cities. Depending on your faction, you need to go to Stormwind (Alliance) or Orgrimmar (Horde) and then activate it. Once you do so, you can now attack other players from the opposite faction but so can enemy players attack and defeat you.
It might sound like a win-lose scenario but in reality it is not. This is because once you activate War mode, you get a permanent buff of 10% XP increase from completing quests and killing mobs. This same buff can be further increased to 30% if your faction is struggling to hold its place in the World PvP. The mode also gives you the ability to activate PvP perks which increases your levelling speed more.
Use the WoD expansion for getting additional XP.

The best expansion in Shadowlands for getting XP and levelling fast is the World of Draenor or WoD expansion. This expansion can be played until you are level 50 and what makes the expansion so amazing is the bonus objectives it offers.
These objectives can be found throughout the various zones in the server and completing them gives an immense amount of XP that boosts your levelling by a lot.
Use add-ons to facilitate faster gameplay and levelling.
To boost your XP gain and levelling process even further, we suggest that you get add-ons that help you play the game faster and eliminate unnecessary processes. There are various add-ons that can help you immensely such as the Speedy Autoloot add-on which increases your looting speed and the Pawn add-on that will tell you if an item you see in a chest or a box is an upgrade over your current equipment or not.
There are several levelling methods for World of Warcraft Shadowlands that can help you level up at amazing speeds. We hope this article was insightful for you and if it was, please consider following our website for regular updates as it will help us out immensely.