As a client, you should always remember that you owe it to yourself to get the best service possible. When things stop moving smoothly with your personal trainer you should always know when to pull the plug. This is always easier said than done as most people find it hard to call it quits even when they are not getting the best out of the service.
Most times personal trainers do not deliver the promises made in their contract thereby leading to a breakup between the trainer and the client. It could also be that they lack the knowledge of helpful MyPTHub personal training software.
Ending your contract with your personal trainer can be so uncomfortable for most people, but here are some tips on the best way to end your contract with your personal trainer.
Come Clean
Despite what must have occurred between you and your personal trainer it is vital to tell them your reasons for ending the relationship. When stating your reasons for leaving do not beat around the bush rather go straight to the point. Never leave your personal trainer guessing, rather make sure your personal trainer understands why you are quitting.
Your reason for leaving might help your trainer improve and become a better trainer in the future if your trainer is very professional and open to corrections. Put yourself in the shoes of your trainer and understand why should be honest when quitting on your trainer. As a client, it is best to understand what works best for you and to always go for it, this should also be understood by your trainer.
Only state your reasons for wanting to leave do not criticize or judge your trainer as this would end up making your trainer feel demoralized. When being honest do not overemphasize, rather make your reasons short, simple, and understandable. No one likes insults, so ensure that you do not end up insulting your trainer or making fun of his or her service. When being honest also endeavor to be polite about it.
A good trainer willing to improve will always listen to and respect your reason for wanting to quit.
Do Not Let Them Lure You Back With Empty Promises
Losing a client can be very hard for most trainers. Most of them may go as far as making empty promises right when clients are about to quit. When this kind of scenario is being played never forget why you wanted to quit in the first place. This is sometimes a phase that comes when you come clean to your trainer.
Most times the trainer thinks they could make a whole new change on the spot. They may go as far as luring you back with nice discounts and bonuses but, that should not entice you to stay back. You should stand firm, knowing that your time and energy are worth more than that. If you wish to give your trainer another shot that should all be your personal decision, not his promises to change.
Do Not Cheat On Your Trainer
Having a ctrainer is like having a relationship and like any healthy relationship you do not want to cheat on your partner. The same applies to a personal trainer. Going off on your personal trainer without saying a word and then showing up weeks or months later with a new trainer can be heartbreaking for your personal trainer.
Despite any occurrence with your personal trainer it very vital to let them know before switching to a new trainer. Most times you might like another trainer’s style, this should be communicated to your personal trainer.
The worst thing you can do to your personal trainer is to replace them without any prior warning. It is a good notion to end things appropriately with your personal trainer before getting on board with a new one.
As A Client, Be In control
Always remember that you paid some money for the training and the right amount of service must be delivered to you. When on a session with your trainer always remember that you hired the trainer and your personal trainer must devote the right amount of time to you. The trainer must know what works for you and know the right way to communicate.
When you notice that you are losing control of your training session you might consider quitting and getting a new trainer if need be. Losing control of your training sessions also means losing a good amount of your money. You are paying for the service rendered to you there fore you should not be a pushover.
When being in control do not try to be over controlling or you stand a chance of losing good lessons from your trainer. It is very vital to let your trainer know if you are getting the best of the service or not. If in the end, you are not getting a quality training session it might be best to quit. You should always control where you spend your time and effort.
Appreciate The Trainer’s Efforts
Appreciating your trainer for their efforts is very necessary especially when changing a new location and would need a new trainer due to distance. Also when changing to a new trainer since you are no longer in sync with your trainer. Often you might like another trainer’s method of training.
The most important thing is that you do not forget to commend your personal trainer for the efforts made in your training as this helps to boost your trainer’s morale. Appreciating your trainer’s effort helps him or her to get better in the future. When quitting on your trainer it is important to tell your trainer all the good things you learned from them and also how their training program has helped in your improvement.
Nothing would make a trainer happier and more fulfilled than getting a proper compliment from their client. Only appreciate the trainer if you have truly learned anything good from the trainer, do not fake any compliment just to make the trainer feel good. Instead, say only the things you appreciate them for.
Appreciating a trainer helps them to know how good they are already and how they should improve more to satisfy their future clients.
Show Some Respect

Respecting your personal trainer is very important mostly when you are about to end your contract. When things are no longer smooth as usual or you simply do not like his training method or style do not make a fuss about it and respectfully decline. Some trainers might not take any form of disrespect.
Not all trainers might be in good sync with you, therefore always remember to pull the plug when things are not working out. As a client, you need to respect your trainer’s efforts and dedication in your training. Even when your budget is tight and you can no longer afford your personal trainer, it would be best to be professional about it and let them know.
Letting your personal trainer know if you can no longer afford them makes them know how much you respect them. A good level of respect must exist between you and your personal trainer.
Inform Your Trainer Ahead Of Time
Obviously, you are aware of your wanting to quit your trainer. It would be very professional to give your trainer at least a week or two of notice. Quitting without prior notice can be disrespectful and unprofessional.
Informing your trainer ahead of time before quitting might help them make some amendments. Also, it shows the level of respect you have for your personal trainer.
Inform The Management

Naturally, most people find it hard to confront their personal trainer when they want to break the news about quitting on them. To avoid the whole awkward moment the best idea would be to inform the management directly and let them handle everything for you. Also when informing the management be honest about it and your reasons. This helps the management to know how to assign a new personal trainer to you.
When the management is informed they can easily handle any form of awkward situation and make sure you are always getting the best as this also helps their business. When it seems like you can’t be professional about quitting on your personal trainer, it would be best to leave the job to the management. This helps to avoid any form of disrespect from you as the client or from your personal trainer.
To End, It All
When breaking up with your personal trainer you need to consider how he or she would feel and think of the most polite way to approach the situation. Always appreciate the effort and time spent with your trainer no matter how little. Make sure your trainer is aware of your leaving, and never leave unannounced. Most importantly let the management handle any awkward situation. Do not hold back when stating your reasons for wanting to leave.