With e-sports being as popular as it is today, it’s no wonder so many people are trying to turn their favourite past-time activity into a business venture. A lot of people are trying to make it by streaming various FPS games, but the sad truth is – most of us are just not good enough to make it this way.
But, fortunately, you can get better. To prove that to you, we’re going to give you a few tips or steps that you can go through, and we guarantee that if you do all of them – you’re going to become a much better FPS gamer. And who knows, maybe even a popular streamer on Twitch. Let’s begin!
1. Wear Your Headphones

We’ve seen so many people playing first-person shooters without a headphone set on their head, and we can’t help but wonder – why do you do that? Without headphones, there is no way you’ll be able to properly locate your enemies.
Without directional audio, you won’t be able to make up where the footsteps or gunshots are coming from, which means you’ll be at a grave disadvantage, and you’re never going to win a game against a good player. So, grab a headset, put it on, and get to work!
2. Adjust The Brightness
Most games are made so that you can’t easily make out your enemies with just your eyes (hence the previous headset tip), but there is an easy way for you to work around it. With just a little bit of tweaking the graphic settings, you can adjust your image in a way that will help you spot the bogies with ease. The best way to achieve this is by adjusting the brightness so that it matches the contrast in a way that it is easier for you to make out individual objects.
3. Lower The Graphics Settings

The brightness isn’t the only thing you can adjust to help you get better. Playing FPS games on Ultra definition is not really the way to go, especially if you’re playing a game with a lot of foliage. Drop the settings to medium or somewhere along those lines to eliminate the extra clutter that makes the game look better but not play better. Leave the Ultra settings for non-competitive, open-world TPS games and then bask in the glory of high definition graphics.
4. Lower The Graphics Settings 2.0
Another reason why you should toggle the graphics down is to get more FPS. Yes, FPS is crucial for FPS, and if you don’t know what we’re talking about, you should probably stick to playing FIFA. Anyway, the more frames per second you get, the better and smoother the gameplay will be. But not only that, every extra frame that you get and your enemy doesn’t is an advantage for you, and as far as we’re concerned – that’s an advantage you have to grab with both hands!
5. Get Better Peripherals

You have to get yourself a good mouse and keyboard. Even though FPS games aren’t just about point there, click here and shoot the target – you still ought to have a quality device to click, point, and shoot with.
You could get by with an average keyboard, but a lousy mouse will put you at a major disadvantage. Now, we’re not saying you have to spend a fortune to buy a professional gaming mouse, but you do need a good one.
6. Customize The Controls And Sensitivity
Finally, in order to get better, you’re going to spend some time tweaking the controls and mouse sensitivity. Don’t just go online and try and copy some pro’s sensitivity. Just because it works for them does not mean it will work for you. Go to the practice range and take your time. We’re sure you’ll set it up right eventually.
Now that we’re done with the technical side of things, let’s talk a little bit about honing your actual skills.
7. Watch Tutorials

Even though watching something can only get you so far, there are still benefits to watching tutorials or professionals play the game. By watching these kinds of videos, you’ll pick up on some things you haven’t known before, and by implementing them in your gameplay – you’ll get better. It’s as simple as that.
8. Play With Someone That Knows How To Play The Game
Getting coached by someone that’s good at the game will help you get better at it more than anything else. As we’ve said, FPS games aren’t just about point, click and shoot the target. There are so many nuances that make up a great FPS player, and if you can get someone to transfer those to you – you’ll get better in no time.
Sure, you’ll still have to work on your aim and reaction time, but tactics and game sense can make up for what you lack in shooting skills, which is precisely why we’re telling you to play with a good player and learn from them.
9. Play Against Someone That Knows How To Play The Game

Practice makes perfect, so the harder you practice – the better you’ll get. So, after spending some time playing with a coach or an experienced player, it is time for you to play against those same players. Nothing gets your blood pumping and adrenaline rushing like being destroyed by a good player. Sure, you might rage a little bit, but after some time – you’ll learn how to prevent that from happening simply by learning from experience.
10. Just Play
Finally, the best piece of advice we could give you is to simply play and enjoy the game. As is the case with anything else – you’ll get better at it over time. Sure, chances are, you’ll never be as good as Shroud, but you will get better.
Don’t get caught up in trying to become better so much that you lose the love for the game. If you do, you’ll just stop playing it, and then it will all be in vain.
Just try and have fun with it. Games are made to be fun, so treat them as such. Skills will develop on their own over time, but ill-spent time won’t come back, so just relax and enjoy the game.