There are 785 million people without power. More than 2.5 billion of us deal with less-than-stable power grids. Have you experienced the loss of electricity at home or work? As a part of an effective power grid, solar is growing. Solar is growing faster than any other electricity source. A recent paper from the World Resources Institute details a global investment expectation of $1 trillion between now and 2030.
We expect our states and territories to operate efficiently. China is going to cover 1% of the Gobi Desert and produce the equivalent of 20 Three Gorges Dams. That is going way beyond solar parking meters. Every solar company is on the move.
Since 2020 the cost of utility solar has fallen by 88%. This is good news as demand growth requires capital investment. Those lower costs will save our tax dollars.
The tech sector expects high usage demands for artificial intelligence (AI) implementation. AI is projected to fill 300 million roles in finance, human resources, education, and data analysis type departments globally by 2030. That amount of processing power will be hungry.
Cryptocurrency went solar with a digital currency that rewards energy producers of solar electricity. The Crypto mining industry is embracing solar for entire operations and eliminating greenhouse gas emissions.

You and I can go solar as well. Pro-Tip, no matter who you get estimates from for a home solar system, be sure they meet two requirements.
- They only use clean energy council-approved inverters and system modules.
- Only allow solar accreditation Australia-certified installers to do the work.
These criteria are necessary for the use of any state or territory solar rebate, subsidy, or interest-free loan program.
- Interest-free and low-interest loans for home solar systems are available. Check your state websites for clear instructions for application. Various factors of property and home type, size, location, etc determine the length of loan repayment and rate.
- A rebate can cover a portion or the entire upfront cost of a solar system. Similar criteria of property and structure type apply.
- Some territories and states proved the use of a rebate on the batteries of the system that was financed with an interest-free loan.
- Subsidies are another option to reduce our out-of-pocket expenses when the government pays the solar installer directly for a portion of the system at once or pays you a monthly amount up to the same value.

Why do all of this? There are a few strong reasons like no more electric bills, increased home or business value, and respect for the environment. What do you pay for electric service per year? Multiply that by 25 (life span of system). The difference between that amount and the cost of installation is your savings. The average home saves $42,000 over the life of a solar system.
If you can save 42k on a 14-panel system, can you imagine what a 1400-panel system saves a utility company? There are many more benefits to solar use. You do not need to hear them. Go to your state or territory website and find out how to do it for less or free.