In a world where everyone is chasing their days of youth, technology and science attempted to create products and therapies that prevent epidermis cells from premature ageing. Online doctor LED skin care clinic websites like provide personalised plans and in-clinic treatment for delaying the ageing rate by a considerable amount. They also provide various products and skincare essentials that can bring down the ageing rate by exposing LED rays to the derma. Most of these websites offer descriptions of doctors’ experience in specialties ranging from basic dermatology to skin care surgical training, who perform their work with ethics.
Several factors affect the epidermis and influence the ageing process; At the same time, it is impossible to eradicate ageing. It is certainly possible to delay the sign of ageing with proper skin care products and therapies like Vellgus Re Light. Most ageing is generally intrinsic, that is, influenced by genetic history. However, environment and skin exposure considerably affect the extrinsic form of ageing.
Given below are specific methods to delay signs of ageing:
1. Protection From Sun

Many don’t realise that the sun’s UV rays can negatively affect epidermis cells. They go about their day without trying to protect themselves from it. The current UV-B rays have hit the “perfect-storm” mark with an index of 43.3; This all-time high can speed the ageing process and potentially cause dermal cancer and other dermatologic diseases.
Whether a run to the grocery store, spending a full day at the beach, or just heading to work, everyone exposes themselves to the sun. Sun protection becomes imperative in these cases. There are ways to achieve this- like covering with sun-protective fabric or finding shade when necessary. You can also use sunglasses that have a UV coating.
When heavy clothing may not be feasible, it is best to get sunscreen and learn how to apply it correctly. An SPF 30-50 would be viable, and they are also a budget-friendly option. Make sure the label reads ‘broad-spectrum’ with UV protection on the label. This will ensure that you are protected from both UV-A and UV-B rays.
Proper application of sunscreens is essential. Research shows that most people don’t put on enough sunscreen or don’t put them as directed. When in doubt, always follow the label, and use it regularly. Remember, reapplication every 3-4 hours is key to maximum retention.
2. Self-Tanning Products

Self-tanning products are much more viable than getting a natural tan under harmful ultraviolet rays. Tanning speeds up the process of dermal ageing, regardless if done indoors or outdoors. Whether in a tanning bed or out on the beach, tanning requires high UV-ray exposure to the skin, which can kill the cells in a matter of days. Self-tanning products usually come in gel creams, sprays, lotions, and other external forms. Combine these products with sunscreen as well.
3. Avoid Smoking And Drinking

Many smokers don’t realise the harm tobacco does to healthy epidermis. While it relieves mental stress, it puts much on the derma. Regular smoking can cause premature-ageing signs like wrinkles and dull complexion. This sallow texture of the derma stops when one gives up smoking. So, this is the case for drinkers. Alcohol plays a substantial role in sucking out the hydration from our skin, thus damaging the epidermis.
4. Well-Balanced Diet And Exercise

Eating a healthy and well-balanced diet provides your skin with various nutritional essentials that can substantially reduce ageing. Several pieces of research elude that fresh fruits and vegetables increase stamina and damage-protection to the epidermis. However, a diet full of carbohydrates, fats, and other sugars can accelerate this ageing. You need to familiarise yourself with what consists of a balanced diet and the effects of processed sugar on the skin.
Thanks to the differentiating features of every person, the diet varies according to a person’s physique and genetic balances and imbalances. Do proper research or even consult a dietician for professional advice. So is the case with exercise. Different people require different types of exercise to boost epidermal-cell regeneration. It increases blood circulation and damage-retention of the derma and, thus, creates a youthful texture.
5. Follow A Skincare Routine

Skincare routines have become a trend recently, and people consistently buy various essentials to maintain their skin and reduce various issues. These issues range from redness, pigmentation, breakout, acne, and even premature-ageing signs. A standard skincare kit consists of a cleanser (a gel cleanser, if you have oily texture), toner, serum, moisturiser, and sunscreen. The proper order of application starts from the least dense to denser items. Keep the following tips in mind when using skincare:
- Gentle cleansing: always go easy on your skin while cleansing the skin. Any harsh scrubbing can cause rashes and irritation, killing the cell-regeneration capacity of the skin. Cleansers significantly remove exposure to pollution and harmful makeup products and give you a solid base for skincare and fresh makeup.
- Double cleansing: Wash it twice daily to remove excess sweat.
- Avoid sting products: Avoid burning products, as they may not be correctly prescribed for your dermal texture. Make sure you let your dermatologist know of this possibility.
6. Use Retinoids Or Retinol

Retinoids are face medications that play a heavy role in reducing premature ageing. They come in various names- like Retin-A, Tazorac, or Renova. Retinols are essentially the same product but in a weaker form and are used when you don’t have a prescription. Pregnant women must consult their respective dermatologists regarding their safety.
7. Consider Antioxidants And Peptides

Antioxidants are of great importance for the skin. Not only remove dead skin cells, but antioxidants also remove the internal toxicity of the skin. They increase the cell-regeneration capacity of the skin. The most basic form of skin care includes a cleanser and a moisturiser, done twice daily. Consider moisturisers with retinol and retinoids.
While this form of skin care can provide you with multiple antioxidants and peptides, you can also apply them separately in the form of peptide serums. They include:
- Grape seed extracts
- Salicylic acid
- Hyaluronic acid
- Resveratrol
- Green tea extract
- Vitamin A, C, and E
8. Consider Treatments
There are many instances where you may still be in your twenties, but you can already see the signs of ageing. Common cases like this are caused by extensive skin damage and acne. Specific treatments like microdermabrasion, LED lighting, and laser treatments can prevent such ageing and make the skin tight again. These treatments are much more effective than facials. Emface treatment offers a range of benefits, including improved skin tone and texture, as well as reduced signs of aging, leaving you with a radiant and youthful appearance.
While lifestyle plays a significant role in premature ageing, genetic factors are also responsible to a broad extent. Skincare treatments can also help people who have already started seeing signs and are willing to prevent them. Protect yourself from the sun, and follow a healthy lifestyle without smoking or drinking.
Always consult a dermatologist before using external products, especially if you are pregnant or have a medical history. Treatments are growing popular with technological intervention and scientific products for improving complexion and decreasing the ageing rate. These methods are sure to bring back the youthful appearance on your face.