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In the world of modern video games there is a lot of variety for the players. Both big and small, complex and simple games exist, greatly varying in skill required to be good or just to get a single win every now and then. Depending on the seriousness of your gamer aspirations and dreams as well as the hardware you are using, you are free to choose to play numerous titles. While you already know about the biggest games out there, it may surprise you that mobile based gaming is gaining traction and taking over as the most widely supported way of gaming. Sine every person has a smartphone nowadays, they are all potential gamers and customers of the game developers.
It should therefore be no surprise that one of the most played and beloved titles in 2024 is Teamfight Tactics, or TFT in short. If you are interested in this game and want to start your journey, or if you simply need some new tips on the best ways to play and become better, you came to the right place. In this article you can learn about the best team compositions that will take your gameplay to a next level. To find out even more about the best strategy for this ultra-popular video game, make sure to check out
About the Game

Teamfight Tactics is an auto battler video game both developed and published by the famous titan in the industry, Riot Games, who are of course best known for League of Legends (LoL) and Valorant. It is a spinoff game of LoL and it was developed to be the direct competitor to DotA Auto Chess. As such, it utilizes turn based mechanics and building of different teams of heroes to fight other people in an online environment. You compete against seven other players and the last one left standing is the winner. Such a free for all approach is often overwhelming and there is a lot to think about if you meant to win and improve at the game.
TFT was originally only a mod for League of Legends that came out in June of 2019 for Windows and Mac, but it was then released as a standalone title for smartphones, mainly Android and iOS based systems. This happened in March of 2024 and ever since there have been more and more players downloading and playing the game. Thanks to the fan-favorite cross-platform support, players on all platforms can play against each other and be a part of the one and the same TFT universe and competitive leaderboards.
As of the writing of this article, and since June of 2019, TFT has a following of over 80 million active players across all platforms. This makes it the most popular game in its genre by far, which largely has to do with the already established popularity and dominance of its mother game in League of Legends. That is not to say that TFT has nothing to offer on its own. Far from it. Mobile gaming and light and quick desktop and laptop gaming is becoming more popular each year and distinguishing itself from serious competitive gaming that is still mainstream. In such a new current, mobile and casual gamers are playing TFT and similar titles far more often than other, more time-consuming and skill-based titles.
Basic Mechanics

As mentioned, 8 players and their teams of champions enter the map, also known as the carousel or the shared draft. It continuously spins and pairs units with items, after which the players can grab a unit by walking up and touching it. With time you will learn how best to do this and get the best champions and items. When the carousel finishes, the real match begins.
Round one features placing the units, rounds two and three are the shop, and round four and up feature the actual player versus player combat until the winner is decided. These are all relatively easy to follow, understand, and become better and quicker at. You are basically assembling your team and changing their stats, items, and talents to get them ready for the fight. But how to actually choose your team?
Best TFT Comps

If you want to win much more often than you lose, you have to employ the best, above-average tactics. And they hardly come any better than the best team compositions. In the current state of the game, the following comps yield the best results.
1. Jeff Bezos Comp – S Tier

The cleverly named composition is basically a Samira carry team composition where most of the team units are expensive and need a lot of gold and luck. Late game potential is among the best in the game if you manage to assemble the team. Economy is prevalent to surround Samira with the right champs, which are Zilean, Aatrox, Sejuani, Shen, Tryndamere, Sivir, and Pyke. Early game focuses on Pyke, Elise, Twisted Fate, and Zed, while mid-game adds Sivir, Darius, and Irelia, before you can complete the full lineup.
2. Enlightened Flex – S Tier
The second S tier on the list revolves around Talon and Morgana. The comp needed time to become dominant but it finally happened. It is consistent and strong throughout and uses Enlightened units and Chosen flexibility. Adept, Assassin, Syphoner, or Enlightened are all possible for you to explore and utilize. You do not need a specific Chosen unit as the Morgana and Talon core is the most important part. Other champions to add include Swain, Yone, Shen, Irelia, Janna, and Pyke, with Fiora, Yasuo, Jax, and Kalista in early and mid-game.
3. 7 Mages – S Tier

There is hardly a build that better describes its ideal team of chosen champions than this one. It is among the most consistent and strongest builds available due to the damage boost of the heroes. Focus on assembling a team of Aurelion Sol, Zilean, Annie, Sejuani, Veigar, Braum, Lulu, and Brand. In the early and mid-stages, you can also go for Twisted Fate and Maokai. The synergy will allow you to boost ASol and Annie who will be leading the pack as the main carry and main tank, respectively.
4. Tryndamere and Friends – S Tier
Tryndamere, Samira, Lee Sin, Zilean, Aatrox, Sejuani, Yuumi, Teemo (Pyke, Elise, Twisted Fate, Tristana om early game)
5. Kayle and Friends – S Tier

Kayle, Yuumi, Azir, Aatrox, Sejuani, Shen, Irelia, Kindred (Yasuo, Fiora, Jax, Nasus in early game)
6. Keepers – S Tier
Xayah, Kennen, Azir, Ornn, Aatrox, Sejuani, Jarvan IV, Rakan (Elise, Pyke, Twisted Fate, Tristana early and mid-game)