Poker players can be put into different groups based on how they play. However, the Tight-Aggressive Player, or “TAG” for short, is the one that stands out the most.
A tight-aggressive player is one who tends to play very few starting hands in a strong way. He doesn’t like to bet when he has a strong hand. Instead, he likes to bet or raise to get rid of opponents or force them to pay a lot to see more cards.
Finding Players Who Are Tight And Aggressive
A tight-aggressive player can be easily and accurately identified by how many hands he plays and how aggressively he plays them. After a few rounds, if your opponent has only played 15-20% of hands, usually with a raise or 3-bet, you’re almost certainly up against a tight-aggressive player.
You can be sure that this is the case by looking at any hands that are down or otherwise out in the open. If a lot of them are good starting hands, you can be sure that you were right about what you thought.
You might also be able to figure out who your opponents are without waiting for two full orbits. Tight-aggressive players usually have other “secondary characteristics.” They usually keep their chips in stacks of 20, and sometimes the stripes on the sides of the chips are even lined up.
The way they bet their chips is clean and clear. They tend to be very careful, serious, and sincere in how they act. This doesn’t mean that loose-aggressive players or other types of players do not exhibit this kind of behavior. It is just that this is how tight-aggressive players usually act most of the time.
Lastly, keep in mind that the best players may change their style just when you think you have them figured out. This is called “changing gears.” So be ready to change your opinion, even if you’ve already confirmed it.
How To Deal With These Players?

Know that every player’s range is different, even these tight-aggressive players. There are different levels of how tight and how aggressive someone is. In the same way, these ranges are not always fixed. Players can become tighter or looser depending on their mood, the game conditions, and their opponents. If you also want to try your hand at some of these games, check out
Tight-aggressive players are also ready to try the 3-bet range when the strength of their hand warrants it. So, for example, their 3-bet range from early position would likely include KK, AA, and maybe AK and QQ; from middle position, it would include JJ+ and AK; and from late position, it would include TT, AK, and AJs+. Keep in mind that each TAG may play a range that is wider or narrower than these.
It’s important to know that the TAG style of play doesn’t rule out the possibility of a wider range of raising hands, a wider range of 3-betting hands, or even a fair number of bluffing hands. Good tight-aggressive players can change their range to fit their table, their own image, and their opponents, just like any other good player would. It’s just that their range is usually narrower than most of the other players at the table, and they tend to play their hands more aggressively than the average player.
How To Take Advantage Of Tight And Aggressive Players?
Once you’ve found a tight-aggressive player, you can try to use him against himself. Your ability to do this will depend on how good he is and how well he can change his game once he realizes you are trying to take advantage of him. But if he is just average, here are some strategies that are likely to work:
Assertiveness = Strength
First, you should know that his aggression usually shows that he is strong. So, when he bets or raises, don’t do anything unless you have a strong hand or one that has a good chance of getting stronger. If he is very tight, it might be best not to play with him at all.
He will play in so many hands that you don’t have to worry about your ability to make money from the other players at your table.
Bet Against Them

You can make some money off of other tight-aggressive players who have at least a fairly wide range. You can do this by making a few “moves” against them. Know that tight-aggressive players tend to keep pushing their hands aggressively even after the flop and turn.
So, when they have a rare AA, KK, or QQ from an early position, they will continue to bet it without improving, or even increasing the amount they bet each time. They do this because they want to make the most money possible from the small range of hands they play.
As for loose-aggressive players, they aren’t likely to get back at them because they play only a few hands. When they have one of their few playable hands, they tend to be very “sticky” and not want to give up. If you don’t win, you have to fold on the flop when they bet next. But if you win, you’ll let them lose so much money betting against your two pairs, sets, and flushes that they’ll be broke.
People from all walks of life and with many different playing styles take part in poker games. You will need to know what kind of player you are up against so that you can use the right strategies to beat them. Tight-aggressive players are easy to spot, which is a good thing. If they are very good at what they do, you should stay away from them. Also, you can make use of the strategies mentioned above to ensure that you win against them.