Marriage is a most sacred experience and a unique bond you’ll have with someone. However, some couples struggle with their relationships in the beginning or start having difficulties after years of being together.
However, there are ways to fix your marriage like going for relationship counselling Melbourne therapists offer to assist in the hope of finding a solution that suits all parties concerned.
If you feel like your marriage isn’t what it used to be—or you imagined it would be—but you can’t quite put your finger on what’s causing the issues, then this article is for you.
We’ve provided six signs your marriage may be in trouble and we’ve given solutions on how to fix the problems you’re experiencing.
1. You Both Criticise Each Other

No marriage is perfect so there will be days where you’ll argue with your partner. But criticizing each other often is a sign that you’re in the beginning stages of something unpleasant in your relationship. Constructive criticism can be helpful but constantly hurting each other with words can cause deep marital problems.
2. Lack of Communication
Do you find that you and your spouse only talk about finances, the children, or work? You may hardly talk about each other or what’s causing frustration in your relationship. Without healthy communication, your marriage will start to suffer, and you may become cold toward each other.
3. Keeping Secrets From Each Other
One of the major signs your marriage isn’t doing well is if you both start keeping secrets from each other. If you’re hiding text messages or lying about where you’re going, it’s a sign you don’t value your partner. It will also cause mistrust in your relationship and frequent arguments.
4. Emotionally Relying on Other People

Are you constantly complaining about your partner to another person? Voicing your frustration about your partner to a work colleague, especially if the person is of the opposite sex, is a sign you don’t trust your spouse with your feelings.
You may also be seeking attention from someone you have a crush on, and this is known as an emotional affair. Some couples share intimate details about their marriage because they feel misunderstood by their partners. This is a sure sign your marriage is in trouble.
5. Lack of Intimacy
Intimacy is an important part of a marriage because it builds trust, and strengthens your emotional bond with your partner. But there will be situations where your marriage will lack intimacy whether it’s emotional or sexual. This can lead to feelings of loneliness, disconnection, and resentment.
6. You Avoid Spending Time Together
Married couples sometimes avoid spending time together because they always argue about the little things and never seem happy in each other’s presence.
It could be that you’re not communicating with your partner about how you truly feel. So, you tend to pick fights because you have hidden feelings of frustration about another aspect of your relationship. And eventually, you don’t rant to be in each other’s presence anymore.
Tips to Fix Your Marriage

All married couples have their ups and downs. The good news is that even if you’re experiencing trouble in your marriage there are many ways you can fix the problem. Here are tips to help you through your difficult times.
Be Trustworthy
Trouble will find you if you’re actively engaging in situations you shouldn’t be. According to divorce lawyers, 66% of divorces are caused by infidelity. If you want a strong relationship with your partner, you must be trustworthy. Don’t engage in anything you feel you must hide from him or her.
Spend Quality Time Together
To build a strong marriage you must make a point of spending quality time together. Understandably, life can get busy, especially if you have children. But spending quality time together can allow you to deepen your bond and connect on an emotional level.
Voice How You’re Feeling
When you’re feeling frustrated about something, don’t bottle it up inside. You must communicate how you feel healthily. When you tell your partner how you feel calmly, they’ll start to understand you better. Communicating your feelings also builds trust and intimacy.
Find Out What Your Love Language Is
Everyone os different and how you feel loved also differs from one person to the next. You want to make your partner feel valued and the best way to achieve this is finding out what their love language is.
A love language is a primary way in which you want to receive love. For example, your partner might feel love through acts of service, like making meals or doing the laundry and dishes. You may feel more loved through words of affirmation which are compliments used to uplift your confidence.
Find each other’s love language and start providing that emotional support you both need to feel loved in your marriage.
Final Thoughts

Marriages can be tough and it’s important to rrecognizethe warning signs so you can act quickly to fix the situation, should things get bad. Use the tips provided in this article to assist you whenever you feel like your marriage is in trouble. It’s never too late to try and create the relationship you dreamed of.