WoW, classic still holds the number one spot as one of the best MMORPGs ever created in the world. The game has a variety of mechanics and amazing multiplayer options that are sufficient to keep any player entertained for long amounts of time even years after release. One of the most major aspects of WoW Classic is the raids and dungeons part where you need to clear difficult levels in order to get amazing loot.
The problem is that these levels are not easy to clear. There are still several players out there that wish to have the amazing equipment from these dungeons but shudder at the very thought of clearing them by themselves. These players have another option of hiring boosting services that can give them the level boost or equipment they want and if you are interested in learning more about them, you can do so at WoW Boost.
That being said, there are still a number of ways through which you can master the raiding and dungeons aspect in WoW classic. If you are someone who is looking to improve your dungeon completing and raiding skill, you are at the right spot. In this article we will list several ways and tips through which you can easily conquer the skills required for mastering dungeon completing and raiding in WoW classic.
Understand each dungeon and raid’s type, requirements and bosses

The most crucial and important thing you need to understand about WoW classic dungeons is that each dungeon and raid has its own set of level requirements, attunement requirements, bosses and equipment. Thus, no level is truly ever the same. There are about 21 dungeons in WoW classic and in order to complete them, it is necessary that you understand what each of these dungeons type is and what you should expect before going in.
For example, entering Wailing caverns as a level 10 with newbie gear might not be the best idea as you will die easily. But neither is entering rage fire chasm as a level 30 because you will only end up with mediocre loot, gold and experience. The same goes for raiding. While they are released in different phases, it is necessary that you understand their order and requirements before entering them with a team.
Form an organized and compatible party
WoW classic doesn’t allow you to clear dungeons and raids all by yourself. You necessarily require a team of 5 or more members for even attempting to complete them. This is where many players make minor mistakes between having crucial members in their team. If you want to succeed in a raid or dungeon, it is necessary that you have a well balanced team with you that complements each other’s skills and abilities.
An ideal team in WoW classic would have a tank for leading the dungeon and raid and soaking up enemy damage, healers for continuously healing the tanks and DPS units, or damage dealing units that deal damage to enemies while they are distracted with tanks. Having too many or too less of either can heavily upset the team composition and easily cause you to be defeated.
No experienced player would want to be on a team like 2-3 tanks but only 1 healer or, only a few tanks but a lot of DPS. While these tactics may work in some scenarios, in most of them it is extremely unlikely that it will and you are much better off forming a well balanced party if you are looking to master raiding and completing dungeons in WoW classic.
Keep yourself updated with WoW knowledge

Each dungeon and raid is full of traps, secret boss skills, and deadly monsters that you need to have knowledge about before you go ahead and try them out. Dungeons and raids constantly get updated and changed and if you want to master completing them, then it is necessary that you stay on the top of your game and keep your WoW knowledge always updated.
Moreover, you will also need to have knowledge about the class that you chose for yourself and the classes of the team members you are completing the dungeon and raid with. The last thing you want is getting too far from your priest shaman and missing their heal spells or moving too close to your enemies despite being a ranger and having the skill to shoot them from afar.
Equip yourself with the best items you have
Before you enter a dungeon or a raid, make sure that you have the best armor and weapons equipped for your class. You don’t want to be undergeared when all your other teammates have worn their best gear and are giving it their all to defeat the raid or dungeon bosses.
Also make sure that you bring lots of food with you. Guilds will give them from time to time but unless you are not a part of any guild, make sure that you get some food for yourself and your teammates in time of need.
Don’t forget the potions either as they can be the difference between life and death at important moments. Health potions, magic power potions for mages and vitality potions for tanks – find out which potions you need the most and stock them in your inventory.
Have a polite attitude towards your team

You will be playing as a team while clearing dungeons and raids and as such, a team needs to be able to cooperate with each other to defeat all the monsters and bosses easily. Cooperation can only be achieved if each member of the team is kind and friendly to each other even in the most intense of fights.
That’s why you should always be polite to your teammates no matter what and be as friendly as possible. It’s a game, and players make mistakes all the time. It doesn’t give you the reason to take your anger out on them by cursing them as it will only cause your team to hate you or worse, disband you from the team.
There are several ways through which you can master raiding and completing dungeons in WoW classic. We hope this article was helpful regarding that and if it was, please consider following our website for regular updates as it will help us out immensely.