Do you believe in the existence of a higher power that accompanies us throughout our lives? If so, you tend to trust the signs the universe is trying to send us. That might be signs that appear when you have one question or thought rolling around in your head for a long time. It might be a caption like “There is a way out” or “You are not alone.” Someone takes as a good sign a found bird’s feather, a black cat that did not manage to cross your path, and so on. In the same way, the universe can speak to us by sending angel numbers.
What Are Angel Numbers?

Our daily life is tied to numbers, but we might underestimate them in our spiritual life. Each of us has a destiny number. Through it, angels can give us clues when we’re about to take a wrong turn. Or, conversely, miss our chance.
We can calculate this number with the techniques of numerology. It might come in the form of your favorite number, for example, three. Most likely, you have chosen it intuitively. If you often pay attention to the clock when it shows 11:11 or 12:12, it doesn’t look like a mere coincidence either, does it?
The Role of Angel Numbers in Our Spiritual Life

Don’t think that numbers are something against nature. Even religion has something to do with numbers. Every religion has sacred digits like 3,7,9,40 and so on. Each of them has an important meaning, which you can see, for example, on Thus if you find yourself at a crossroads and need advice, you can turn to your Creator and ask them to give you a sign in the form of numbers.
What is the best way to ask for a clue:
- Clearly state the question;
- Assign what the hint might look like so that you don’t miss it;
- Set the time interval when it should appear. For example, one day or a week.
It’s important not to ask for a second hint as soon as you get one. Don’t clarify and ask again. Use what you already have first.
How to Understand the Meaning of Angel Numbers

You might not know how to recognize angel numbers. However, if you want to make your connection to the spirit world, you can train this skill.
To start noticing such numbers around you, reach peace in your mind first. For a while, leave your position as an activist and turn into an observer. Do something that can calm your mind. Take a walk, meditate. You might want to go to a church.
When you start noticing numbers in your life, pay attention to what they are. What combination occurs to you most often? You can record this information to make it easier to track a pattern.
Listen to yourself the moment you notice a number. What were you thinking about? What mood are you in? How are you feeling right now? If there is a spiritual connection between you and the number, you can feel it on a physical level. For example, you might get goosebumps or a feeling of warmth. It might be a feeling of some kind of insight.
Take your time, and don’t get upset if you don’t feel anything yet. This skill requires constant practice, like any other activity.
When Angel Numbers Begin to Appear in Your Life

When you see the number of an angel, it doesn’t mean that it dictates a particular action. Perhaps, you’re looking in the wrong direction, or you need to change your attitude toward the situation.
There are quite a few combinations of angel numbers. Now let’s look at the meanings of the simplest combinations that you’ve seen at least once:
- One. If at the moment when you dreamed of something, 11:11 or 1:11 appeared on the clock, your wish is likely to come true. Sings can be anywhere else;
- Twos. 222 or 2222 reminds you to enjoy life. It’s time to have fun or relax. Think about what will help you get away from your routine;
- Three. The combination of these numbers suggests that you need to persevere somewhere. Pay attention to all areas of your life. Which one of them needs improvement?
- A four. If something made you doubt the support of higher powers, the angels send you 444. It is their way to say: “I’m here. I can see everything”;
- Five. The number 555 tells you that you are on the cusp of change. If you feel that something is changing for the worse, don’t be in a hurry to resist. You will see later that everything is for the good;
- Six. The appearance of the number 666 can seriously scare you. It might look as if the devil himself is talking to you. In fact, six is a harmless number. It means success in personal and financial affairs. Sometimes it comes to you when things are going wrong in your life. In this case, it calls you to change tactics and try things you’ve never done before;
- Seven. When 777 appears, it can make you smile because fortune is on your side. Seize the moment!
- Eight. The number 888 can mean a lot of different things. Perhaps, you are going through a karmic lesson. If you have a good, carefree life, just say “thank you” to the universe;
- Nine. The appearance of nines is also a good sign. They tell you that a specific stage of your life is coming up. You’ve done a good job, and now it’s time to move on.
Let the Numbers Into Your Life
Angel numbers can help you feel connected to the spirit world if you take them as hints from the universe. As you can see, a developed spiritual life has its benefits. When you feel that the universe always supports and protects you, you can forget about worrying about the future. It’s better to focus on how to live the present fascinatingly.